Thursday, July 10, 2008

First Post / Intro


My name is Greg and I play poker online under the alias QandA201. I am a micro-stakes (very cheap) player, hoping to progress in skill and stakes with time. Currently I play a mix of $3-$10 freezeouts and $10-$25 NL, but with such little volume that I'll have a hard time moving up in the next year. On average, I'll play 2-3k hands of cash, and 15-20 tournaments per month.

To those not familiar with poker, this may sound like a lot. It isn't. Most serious players play that amount in a single day on a fairly consistent basis. At this point I'm not sure I'm even a profitable player since the variance in poker is so fantastic. I've been a member of the two-plus-two poker forums for nearly 2 years, but I post very infrequently, especially lately. There is simply too much other stuff going on for me to spend tons of time on posting/getting better.

My main focus now is to play more often. Once I get up to a semi-respectable level of play, I'll start to review my play and try to improve. Right now I don't play enough to have any learning experiences.

Here is a brief history of my Pokerage:

I started with $200 on Stars, with which I played $1 MTTs and $1-5 STTs. I gradually brought that number up to around $300 by playing a very tight/solid game. Then I took second in a $1 for $142 to get my roll over $400 and basically haven't looked back. Last year I played around 150 tournaments and achieved an $1800 profit on an ROI of ~170%. Obviously I don't expect to run that well all the time, but it sure did spoil me. So far this year I've played ~80 tournaments at a -15% ROI. My roll peaked in December at around 2900. As of today it is just over 2600, including 200 at UB, where I haven't played in 6 months. I'm thinking I should move that money off UB and play exclusively at Stars. We'll see, I'm pretty lazy about getting around to things I should do.

I think that's all for now, thanks for reading.

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