Monday, July 28, 2008

Bloody Sunday

Sunday wasn't much better than Saturday, other than the fact that I didn't get stacked twice in cash games. However, I did make one horrendous turn call followed by a poor bluff attempt on a four-flush board that got called by a straight for a total pot of $14 (-$7 for me). That put me -$5.60 in cash games on the day.

Tournaments didn't fare much better, but I didn't make any mistakes nearly as disastrous as the above. I played three total tournaments and cashed one for a net loss of around $7. For the weekend total I was down right around $45. Feels good.

I'm thinking that it might get me in trouble stating the BR status on given sites, so from now on I think I'll just give profit/loss info. This will make it less likely for hackers to try and take anything from me since they won't know when my last deposit/removal from a given site was and/or how much I have in any one place.

Thats all for now.

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