Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Session at Bay 101

So I played my first session at the Bay 101 this afternoon.  It didn't go as well as I would have hoped.  I played for 4 and a quarter hours and lost $200.

I wasn't really nervous at the start of the session (I usually am at a new casino or a new game), so that was good.  I started off the session poorly, loosing ~$60 in the first 30 or so minutes.  Then I came roaring back, starting with a JJ hand where I was one of the blinds, and had a raise to $13 and 3 callers to me.  I bump to $55 with ~85 behind and take it down.  This brought me back to about even.  Following this, I had a TT then beat AKs for ~$50 and an AKo that took down a $70 pot on the river w/o showdown.

And then it all fell apart.  Three hands did me in.  In two of them I had 99, and one was JTs.  I played them largely ok in my opinion, just bad spots.  Here is one of the 99 hands:

I have ~$280 OTB.
V1 has >$500 UTG.
V2 has >$450 in CO.

V1 limps for $4, folds to V2 who makes it $20, I flat, V1 calls.

Flop is 78Tr, V1 checks, V2 bets $50, I call (could have folded but I had quite a bit behind and thought a J or 6 peeling was likely to get at least some action), V1 folds.

Turn is 5d (2 diamonds out), V2 bets $100, I fold. V2 says good fold and flashes AA.

I played the JTs hand too passively, I should have led the flop instead of c/c'ing top pair, as villain likely would have just mucked his hand if I lead flop.  Instead he turns 2pr and rivers a boat with 95o on 9d6cJc5s5d.  I call down (I had him triple barreling boats and whiffed draws only, maybe AJ but not to the sizing chosen) and am sad.

Oh well, there's always the weekend.

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