Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 Results

I'm going to look back at my goals for 2009 and compare them to how things actually turned out. Overall, things didn't go exactly as well as I'd hoped.

Tournament goal: 200+ tourneys, avg buyin > $5, ROI >90%.

I only met the first of these. Here are the results:

Tournaments played - 320 (though not all of these were MTT's, which the original goal assumed).
Average Buying - $3.96
ROI - 11.64
Total Profit - $147.56

lol donkaments. I have a much higher expected ROI than this, but I doubt it is as high as the 90% I put in my goal. I think I can sustain a 50-60% ROI in most low to mid tourneys.

Cash game goal: 40k hands, 9+ BB/100 winrate, reach NL25.

I didn't meet any of these, but I still felt some progress as a cash game player which I hope to translate to better results this year.

Total Hands - 30,319
NL10 Hands - 23,466
NL10 Winrate - 7.79 BB/100
NL25 Hands - 6,801
NL25 Winrate - (6.72) BB/100
Total Profit - $136.15

I now know that a 9 BB/100 winrate is basically unsustainable over a large sample size at any limit over 5NL. That was probably an unreasonable goal, and I am very happy with my winrate at 10NL, even if it is over a small sample.

I took a failed shot at NL25 in August, but I don't think I played as bad as the results indicate. I posted quite a number of the hands and the general consensus was that I was running pretty awful. I know that I wasn't playing great, but I think that in August my true winrate at NL25 was probably greater than zero. I have made a lot of progress since then, changing my game from a 16/13 nit to a ~21/18 tag, and I have more work to do. I took most of my roll off of Stars for some bills and to focus myself with a lower $ amount to work with. I'll start off the year at NL10, but I am hoping to move to NL25 soon and stay there.

As far as reaching my goals, 2009 sucked, but I think I set the bar a tad too high. The winrates I had set for myself were about what I had achieved in the past, but I realize now that I was both running hot and the games were softer back then. Such high goals are mostly unattainable with the games today. So in 2010 I hope to have more realistic goals that I can attain, and feel good about my progress as a player.

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