Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Winning Day

Today's Results: $85 in 2.75 hours

Ran ok to start the day this time, had QQ once in my BB with a straddle by UTG, took down the pot preflop with a raise over 3 limpers.  Had AA an orbit later, but it folded to me in the SB.  Had QQ again about two orbits after that; open UTG to $10, get 3-bet by an older guy (everyone at the table was 40+ except me) who is on the button to $30.  I call with ~$105 behind, flop is KJTr and I check/fold to his pot-sized flop bet.  He seemed pretty aggro in general and had a massive stack the entire time I was at the table, but that was the only 3-bet he made all day, so I figured to be drawing slim.

Blind down to around $85, pick up black fives in MP.  Limps around and I limp behind, we see the flop 9-ways in a limped pot (lol, family pots).  Flop comes Tc9c5d, checks to me, I bet $10 (should have been 15 or 20 on a fairly coordinated flop 9 ways), get 3 callers.  Turn is 8h, not the best in the world for me as QJ just got there, but I lead for $35 anyway with around $40 behind and everyone folds and I win the pot.

Two orbits later I pick up black AA on the button.  3 limps to me, I open to $16, one caller who seems pretty fishy, though I hear from some other players that he typically plays $2-$5 NL and is one of the "bull-shitters" of that game.  Flop comes T93r, he checks, I bet $25, he calls.  Turn comes T putting up two clubs, he bets $100, enough to put me in, I insta-call.  He has JJ, river is Ah, and I'm finally up semi-substantially for the first time this summer.

Play for around another hour with nothing too significant happening and winning very few pots.

Summer Profit Total: ($149)
Current Bankroll: $351
Total Time Played: 9.25 hours
Hourly Win Rate: ($16.11)

Friday, July 6, 2012

More Losing

Today's Results: ($59) in 3.25 hours

Ran pretty shit again to start the day.  Nothing happened for the first few orbits, just junk mostly.  About forty five minutes in, I pick up T7o in the BB and we see a limped pot 5 way.  Flop comes AT7 with two clubs, the small blind leads for 1/2 pot, I call, another guy calls, and the fourth guy raises and we all call.  4 way to the turn, which is the Qc, SB checks, I check, third guy leads this time for 1/5 pot, flop raiser folds, SB folds, and I call trying to spike a T, 7 or hoping to check down the river.  The river is the 3c, I check and the other guy checks behind and shows 89cc for the flush.

Hovered around that level for another 20 minutes or so, then get moved to another table.  Keep getting shit hands, folding for another 40 minutes before I pick up TT in the BB.  2 limps to the SB, he opens to $10 with ~80 behind, I cover.  I call, one limper calls, and we see a 542 rainbow flop.  SB leads $15, I call, limper folds.  Turn 4 completing the rainbow, SB thinks for a bit and then checks, I bet $25 and he calls.  Turn is a 7, he checks, and I shove the rest in, he thinks for a bit, sighs and calls, asking me if I have a four.  I say no and flip over my tens, he flips over jacks, and I'm now down to about $35.

The very next hand I pick up KK in the SB and slightly better than double up to $85.  For the next 20 minutes, I blind back down to $68 and pick up red kings again. I open to $10 from MP and get two IP callers.  Flop comes T87r, I lead $20 and both call.  Turn comes 8d, putting out 2 diamonds, I shove my last $38 and this time only get one caller.  I show my kings, and hold for the 3o river.  I'm all the way back up to $160.

Over the course of the next hour, I open TT, get 3 callers, and fold when led into on an A high two tone flop,  open AQo and check fold a KK8 two tone flop.  From there on not much interesting happened and I just hovered around $140 for a while.

Summer Profit Total: ($234)
Current Bankroll: $266
Total Time Played: 6.5 hours
Hourly Win Rate: ($36)