Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another Blah Month

School ate a huge chunk of my time in the last week or two of November. But in the middle of the month I was able to get in some decent volume, at least for my standards.

I ended up playing ~12 tournaments, cashing only once for a -85% ROI. No big deal I suppose. I am mostly confident in my play lately though, so that's good. If there's one thing I would change, it would be that I loosen up a bit. I'm basically still a nit.

I also got in just under 400 hands of NL $10. Just two one hour sessions, but it's more cash than I've played in the last three months combined. I was up ~$17 at like 22PTBB/100, so that was good. For some reason though, it felt more because I was running pretty hot than playing really well. I'm still too tight in the 6-max format. I think I was running around 14/10 or so. I want to be 18/14 or 18/16 at these levels, possibly going as high as 22/19. Whatever, it's just one more thing I have to work on.

That's all for now. Happy Holidays and whatnot.

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