Sunday, May 27, 2012

Rough, Quick Day

Today's Results: ($100) in 1 hour

Felt like I ran pretty terrible today, even though I got some premium holdings.  I played a total of four hands during the hour.  First hand at the table I'm dealt AQo in the CO and raise a limper, take it down pre.  Then I blind down to around $95, get AJo in the SB, one guy opens to $10, a loose-passive player calls on the button, and I call.  3-handed flop comes T76 two tone, and I c/f.  Blind down to around $80, pick up AA in the Cutoff, make it twelve over 4 limpers, everyone folds and I make $10.

Then blind back down to $83, pick up QQ on the button.  5 limpers to me, I pop it to $15, get 4 callers.  Flop comes 985 two tone, big blind leads for $15, the guy behind him raises to $40, two folds and I shove my last $68 (too short to consider folding an overpair with an stack-to-pot ratio of 1 after the preflop action.  Big blind re-shoves around $200, other guy calls instantly, and I'm essentially dead vs the Big blinds flop set of 9's and the other guys' flopped straight with a flush draw to boot 76s.

Gonna take next weekend off I think and try to get my head right.  I'm pretty sure I'm just running poorly, but it still messes with your confidence to lose 2 sessions out of 3, with the winning session not all that successful either.  Maybe I'll work on my game online some.

Summer Profit Total: ($175)
Current Bankroll: $325
Total Time Played: 3.25 hours
Hourly Win Rate: ($53.85)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Take Two

Today's Results: +$25 in 2 hours

I started off well today, over-limping KQo the first hand I was dealt.  Flop rolls out QT7r and I lead $10 5-handed (3 checks in front).  One caller, who check/folds to my $25 turn barrel on a Kh, which put two hearts on the board.

Next orbit I find AQo and raise to $11 from UTG +2 8 handed.  One caller in the CO, same villain who called my KQ flop bet.  He folds to my $20 c-bet on KT7tt.

An orbit later I'm sitting on about $115 and pick up black AA in UTG and open to $11.  UTG+1, a competent but somewhat weaker female TAG flats, and the table hyper-LAG in UTG+2 squeezes to $31 (was probably playing close to 50/35).  Table folds around, and I could call, but we would go to the flop 3-way.  I probably should be ok with that and hope someone hits TP on the flop, but instead I elect to 4-bet, and the only option there is to ship.  Two folds later and I'm up to almost $160.

I reach my peak of about $180 about an hour into the session, and then I open once with AKo, flat a couple opens with AKo and 66 and miss all three flops and drop down to the $135 range.  Blind down a little further and decide to call it a day with a modest win so that I can prepare for the annular solar eclipse that will happen a few hours from now here in ABQ.

Hope next weekend treats me a bit better, but I do need to play a bit more aggressive during my sessions; this session was hampered significantly by the LAG two to my left.  I would have liked to take advantage of his style more, which a couple people who had position were able to do.

Summer Profit Total: ($75)
Current Bankroll: $425
Total Time Played: 2.25 hours
Hourly Win Rate: ($33.33)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

First Day Back in the Game

I went down to the casino today.  Unfortunately, I didn't stay as long as I would have liked.  I ended up only playing for about fifteen minutes and losing my entire $100 buyin.  Nothing special happened, I had gone through the blinds once and raised/4-bet shoved AKo into QQ against the most active player at the table (he had played 7 hands in the 12 or so hands I had seen, and at least 3 raising or 3-betting).  Not much you can do about that.  I'm planning on heading down tomorrow as well, hopefully it goes better.

Summer Profit Total:  ($100)
Current Bankroll: $400
Total Time Played: 0.25 hrs
Hourly Win Rate: ($400)

My next buyin will be for $100.